The 24 hours will not be able to sell alcohol between the 22 and 7 hours. The decree, presented/displayed east Friday, will enter about 15 days in force. The City council of Badalona (Barcelona), governed by the PP, will prohibit through a decree that the establishments with permission abrir the 24 hours sell alcohol between the 22 and 7 hours, as first step to do popularly against the alcohol consumption in the street, known like large bottle. The decree, presented/displayed east Friday and that will enter about fifteen days in force once has been published officially and issued a municipal side, prohibits the alcohol sale from the 22 to the 7 hours to those establishments of customized sale or in regime of supermarket with a surface inferior to 150 meters. Of this form, the City council puts in the front sight those small establishments of product sale of daily use and feeding, and that, according to the Town hall, in many cases at night are nourished almost exclusively of the alcohol sale. Tolerance zero " We will already see if it is worth the trouble to them to continue abiertos" , it has indicated in press conference, the councilman of Security and accidental mayor, Sworn Miguel (PP), who, in spite of recognizing that the measurement " seca" is not the law; and it will not by itself end the alcohol consumption in the streets, has located the decree like the first step of a strategy to do against ' botelln'. The norm also persecutes to make difficult the access of the juniors to the alcohol, since, according to Felix has explained the agent of the Municipal Police Martinez, with the present norm (that in Badalona allows the people of legal age to buy alcohol all night) the adults did the purchase and lueg or facilitated drinks to minors.
Jury has assured that once the decree enters in force will be " tolerance cero" , and it has remembered that the sanctions, according to the decree of civismo policeman, can ascend until the 600 Euros by the alcohol consumption in the street, and oscillate between the 600 and 3,000 Euros for those establishments that fail to fulfill the norm, although in this case it establishes the Catalan Autonomous Government. 53 acts by alcohol sale to minors accidental mayor has also kept awake who in which he goes of year in Badalona have registered 300 incidences of alcohol consumption in the street, and 53 acts by alcohol sale have been abierto to minors of 18 years. Jury has also explained who the Municipal Police of Badalona also works in a map in which all the incidences of this type are registered, to be able to visualize " points negros" of the city as far as incidences related to the alcohol consumption. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Heart Specialist. Source of the news: Badalona restricts the alcohol sale at night to fight the large bottle