Different sites of discount coupons provide incredible opportunities every day, with discounts of up to 90%, in gastronomy, travel, tourism, events, beauty, adventure and other products, services and experiences not to be missed. In Descuentocity to group every day all the best daily discounts companies offers… These discounts are available only for a short period of time, usually one day, and it is almost impossible to become repeat. How it works * commissions: bargaining varies in each case, but in general the companies call for a Commission of 50% of the price of the coupon (especially those that have more quantity of users; the more girls, ask for less). It also negotiates if you offer a fixed or unlimited number of tickets. ** Coupons: the client receives offers in your e-mail.
If any are interested, have to pay (there are several modes) and then receive a coupon with a code. According to The Greater New York Construction User Council , who has experience with these questions. You must print it and present it at the local. Barry lerer shines more light on the discussion. * What to buy: customers receive especially service offerings (massages, spas, restaurants, travel, toys, courses, etc.). Increasingly incorporate more products spoken market discounts of the day because, in general, last 24 hours (although some extend the term to 2 or 3 days). And the boom is unprecedented. Sites like urban fish, Groupon, Letsbonus, Agrupate, BigDeal, Clubcupon, ClickOn, the grupazo and Descuentocity received tens of thousands of visits daily and its rapid growth has generated a sharp increase in local e-commerce: the discounts are so tempting that a large number of users has started in the world of shopping over the Internet.
According to market data, approximately 65% of the users were women. Because of this, most of the deals are aimed at them. The discounts vary between 40% and 95% each of these sites offers one, two or up to ten discounts at the same time. This implies that you need to read a dozen of emails or web pages to find out about the best deals. Descuentocity simplify you the life and allows you to comfortably aware of all the impressive discounts from a single location. You can subscribe to a newsletter where you will receive the offers of interest to you or visit the website daily, and don’t miss any discount. Descuentocity emerged in September 2010 after the boom of the coupon, and from there the growth was constant.