Summary of descriptive survey of treatment against the erythrocytosis, based on oxygen therapy and respiratory physiotherapy in 3840 patients, monitoring the cases since 2003 until the year 2007.the present study was performed from 2003 until 2007 by Dr. Marco r. Revollo e., clinics medical Source Medicale, with patient consent informedin the cities of La Paz, Oruro and Potosi, trying to that it can be used as Protocol of therapeutic in people suffering from this evil, which not only affects the person but also to the family circle immediate and mediate it, with the subsequent deterioration personal(fisico, psicologico y moral), family, labour, economic and social.I hope that the study will be helpful for those interested, my dear patients. Dr. Marco r. Revollo e. 1.-brief summary of erythrocytosis (polycythemia). Erythrocytosis, commonly called poliglobulia, is a chronic disease that is classified into several types and is produced by a large number of causes, the more important impact of these causes is the increase in the number real of erythrocytes or red blood cells, said increased at the same time produces complications in the different organs of our economy with the passage of time, at the same time such an increase of erythrocytes produce hemodynamic changes that can produce sudden complications such as pulmonary and cerebral emboli that may cause temporary or permanent paralysis in different sectors of the locomotor system, or dysfunctions in certain brain areas causing problems in the sensory organs and these in turn lead to the deterioration of the patient’s social, family, academic and professional life.One of the most important causes for the debut of this disease are different cause respiratory deficiencies, i.e. can be produced by blockage or restriction in any part of the respiratory system from the nostrils to the intimacy of the lungs, causes morphological (variations abnormal shape of the different segments of the respiratory organs and tissues may be adjacent) or may be of physiological type (abnormal variations in the functioning of the different segments of the respiratory tract).Following with the Studio and knowing that the respiratory factor is the most important for the emergence of this disease, Therapeutics designed to alleviate it, not must be aimed at the decrease of red blood cells or erythrocytes per se, but both morphological and physiological restoration of respiratory capacity from pits nasal until respiratory cell recipient of oxygen nutrition and nutrients in the tissues of different organs of the body economy.