Month: September 2016

Plants – Indicators Of Soil

Sign of highly acidic soil (pH less than 4) for the gardener, is the greening of its surface, ie covered with green velvet touch. However, may even turn green soil if it is permanently in shadow. At acidic soil (pH 4,1 – 5,0) are growing three-color violet, wild sorrel, plantain, horsetail, wild mint. From cultivated plants in acidic soil may rise shadberry, Rowan, horseradish, sorrel, rhubarb, lupine, rhododendron, hydrangea, globe-flower, solidago (Goldenrod). At slightly acidic soil (pH 5,1 – 6) grow coltsfoot, couch grass, dandelion, chamomile, goutweed, clover, ferns. At slightly acidic soil can be planted actinides, lemongrass, quince, buckthorn, currants, gooseberries, strawberries, Aron, watermelon, squash, pumpkin, eggplant, beans, potatoes, parsley, rose, narcissus, Badan, astilbu, peony, daisy, cornflower, bell. On neutral soil (pH 6,1 – 7) grow lady's purse, weeds, nettles, wood louse, but it can be put on an apple tree, pear, plum, cherry, walnut, honeysuckle, raspberries, onions, garlic, celery, lettuce, spinach, dill, carrots, beets, turnips, turnip, radish, radish, cabbage, tomato, peppers, cucumbers, melons, beans, sunflower, peas, lemon balm, asters, primrose, iris, phlox, dahlia, tulip.

On the alkaline soil (pH above 7) are growing poppies, convolvulus, Sandman white. Put on it can be cereals, maize, poppy, ornamental mosses, some of the plants for the alpine slides. Dandelion, coltsfoot are indicators wet clay soils, and wood louse, weeds, nettles – indicators of fertile, rich soil with nitrogen. On acid trofyanikah growing horsetail, hopping, Labrador tea, blueberries, cranberries.


It enters, but still he sees the prosthetic one with a threaded enormous sting in the throat of a man. In the throat not, Manuel, in the mouth. Then it is what it goes to touch in the mouth of the Manuel? It is felt soft, the cold blood and the legs bambas. The prosthetic one orders it to seat in the chair. Pain is enormous. The prosthetic one with that rapidity that God gave to the Brazilians, catches the tool well to devagar and looks at tooth for tooth in the mouth of the Manuel. How dentist more molenga! He will be that he does not feel nothing? He has reason.

He does not feel exactly. It is the tooth of the Manuel and not it of it that it aches. The dentist prepares an anesthesia. He applies in the Manuel. Pain for, but not all. The dentist catches the botico, threads in the mouth of the Manuel and hunk, he pulls out the tooth. It aches very, but who knows pain will pass.

Manuel cospe I sing in it. Pain worsening. Then it only repairs: but doctor Mr. pulled out me the wrong tooth. Made a mistake as? He scares the doctor. He is terrified the tooth doctor. now what to make? It runs pra and pra there and is despaired here. Manuel is feeling the biggest pain of the world and puto of the life. It does not have problem, Mr. Manuel, now I sudden pull the other tooth, the sick person. I make the two for the one price. Farcical Manuel of anger. How thing! Manuel comes to pull out the sick tooth and the doctor pulls out to it is and still to say that he charges half of the price? Manuel xinga the dentist of all the names. It makes all the customers to leave espavoridos the doctor’s office, also the dentist and it leaves with the sister. They go to the ready aid. They had only now remembered it. There they had pulled out the true sick tooth. Thus Manuel only has one relief. Thus a little only can sossegar. Return pra house moaning very still. The remaining portion of the afternoon sleeps. Now Manuel already has also a justification to present in the other day in the service.

Valena Gyms

This initiative resulted in the Attached School to the State Gymnasium of Valena, established for return of the middle of years 50. In 1951 inauguration of the industrial Gymnasium, in a room yielded for the Frum Gonalo Port, he was the Baslio Director Axe Da Silva Son (Oliveira, 2006, P. 115)? In 1953 the building of the State Gymnasium is constructed in the Favour and is inaugurated by Mr. Gentil Martins Paradise. (first construction of the Quarter of the Favour) It received the name from Dr Oliveira Brito, in homage to the Government of the State.

(Martins, Son, 2008, P. 102)? In 1956 Valena possua 22 state schools, 28 municipal theatres, 10 particular ones for basic education, and of municipal theatres 15 were in the agricultural zone (Oliveira 2006, P. 118)? In 1957, an initiative of the doctor Mustaf Rosenberg de Souza and of professors Araci Carvalho and Wilson Caetano, was created the course of Countable Sciences and the Normal College of Valena if it transforms into Educational Center of Valena-CENEVA, remaining as such up to 1997. In 1963 reference has of existence of school called Saint rsula, that functioned with classrooms of 5 series in the building that was residence of Ataliba Lacerda, in the trrea part. The teachers who lecionaram there had been: Jailda Guimares and Maria Fonseca, wife of Dr. Jaime dentist. (Verbal Story of the Teacher Maria Antonia Silva Saints, 27 of September of 2009, above of this school). According to Oliveira, 2006, P.

119, the year of the diplomao of the first group of professors was in the year of 1959, however Martins Son, cites in the o ' ' book of the Dreams published in 2008, P. 103 that in 1956, Mr. Gentil Martins Paradise Mayor of Valena permitted paranymph the first group of of the State Gymnasium of Valena)? In 1967 Gentile Paradise It implants the school of Commerce of Valena in the Educational Center of Valena? CENEVA (local where today the College functions Leonardo Joo Da Silva) (Martins Son, 2008)? 1961 sancionada the Law of n 535 of December 1961, that it makes use on the Municipal Public service act in the management of Dr.