Month: February 2018

United Nations Children

It was with the Law of Lines of direction and Bases of Educao Nacional (LDB), Law number 4,024/61, that the creation appears of infancy gardens, destined to the minors of seven years. To leave of this LDB, it follows the Plan of Assistance to Pr-escolar (PAPE), under the Deep influence of the National one of the Union for Infancy and Adolescncia (FNI), and in the United Nations Children' s To cast, that is, Deep of United Nations for Infncia (UNICEF), in being one program of assistance emergenciais for the masses, low financial cost (SOBREIRA, 2008). The adopted model of infantile education from the decade of 1970 was a model directed toward the education of the favored popular layer less. The infantile education only started to be part of the National Basic Education and to be reason of concern of the agencies that legislate on Education, after 1988, with the Federal Constitution, that in its Article 208, determines the duty of the State with the education, and in special the infantile one, which was accomplished by means of the guarantee of attendance in day-care centers and daily pay-schools, for children of 0 the 6 years (BRAZIL, 2010). This moment if became, the great landmark in the history of the Brazilian Education. By means of this, Brazilian infancy received the support from the Statute of the Child and Adolescente (ECA) and the LDB from 1996, in which if it determines that all the institutions of infantile education are integrated to the Systems of National Education (BRAZIL, 1996).

Inasmuch as, the integral development of the child depends on cares and necessities that are related to the affective dimension, hygienical habits, feeding, health and the form as these cares and necessities are offered e, still, the knowledge that if have regarding its procedures. As interview published in 14/08/2006, in the Institute Pro-Boy, pedagogo Coast tells that ' ' …. In Brazil, however, the school still keeps in the pertaining to school regiment some practical of before the redemocratizao of the Pas' '. Inasmuch as, in the search of the identity of the infantile education, the challenge is to affirm the necessida one