For the most part of the days, the wind in them brought a gust of aromas, olfativas messages of the city and the sea: intense traffic and cool fish. E, between them I smell, it of proper the old one: penetrating and rancid, as fungo subfluvial existing in the silt was exhaled vast primevo (SCHAMA, 1996). The flowers differ ones from the others behind it smell and the color, indicating the different distinct meanings, but symbolically as in many cases we look at two diverse structures, the flower as its essence, the flower in its form. For its nature, fragrance symbol is indicating the spring given for the diverse flowers in these times, the Chinese, uses the flowers in the images that costumam to wear color blue and take a basket of flowers. One says that it dedicated to sing allusive verses to the brevity of the existence and the disease of the pleasures. The flower is a symbol of the workmanship in accordance with its color, modifies its meaning and shadies it in definitive direction.
The heat strengthens in the orange flowers and the yellow flowers, the thought of animal life, the blood and the passion in the red flowers. Already the blue flower is the symbol that is on to daily of impossible the probable aluso something uncertain. Colors, forms and textures of the forest: the visual and tactile perception the attributes most basic of ours shares vision of the world is confined to the healthy, robust and sensible adults. (…) The msticos, claustrfobos and the pursued ones for the fear of the open space try to project its proper corporal spaces as being projections of the exterior world; they are incapable to delimit front to the remaining portion of the nature. The esquizofrnicos always subestimam the size and sobreestimam in the distance. After a celebral injury, the invalids fail when organizing its half environments or can forget places and symbols familiar.