Being necessary to rethink our own roots to differentiate What is valuable from what is not, we need to revalue combining tradition and change. In response, Atsuhiko, it defines the perennial philosophy as the great value of mainstreaming holistic what we see in that there will be values perennials, infinite, universal value can be found, which can operate throughout all that is history. Leading him to believe that every culture comes from an originally universal value. As the original or native Mexican culture his vision was based on a vision of unity. His point of view about the world that was very cosmological approach organic, harmonious and connected to nature with human beings, observing their invisible reality and had an extremely cosmological natural identity. Respecting as first principle respect the individual, thing that did not in my opinion, since the conquest, in such a way to only resume the old Mexican travelers traspersonales of the wisdom of the old Holistas that were real Transpersonal travellers by clarifying the distances between the pre and trans, which had awareness of exception, a genuine consciousness transpersonal. Even when we want to differentiate Japan from Mexico by its degree of development in history exists a similarity of cultural hub of universal origin that leads us to recognize differences at different times that lead to the same problem of development and that Atsuhiko wondered: is it true that we have to reach such a degree of individualism or such a degree of American ego? Respond you that in order to move forward on this third road has begun to use a new concept, the transmodernity, to differentiate era holistic live with old and started to live in pre-modern, modern and postmodern and have clear on where to go, an evolutionary stage centered on genuine spirituality and adding as a principle the transpersonal Japan and Mexicoto overcome the ego and the triumph of the spirit. .