Cafe “Florian”: The Dream Snob

There are cafes (restaurants, bars), whose history is so rich and so full of the presence of an aura of great that they begin to be perceived as a symbol, to join that every decent thing snob thinks chesti.V Venice such cafes are famous 'Florian', and his eternal rival 'Quadri', situated on the opposite side of the Piazza San Marko.Bybor one of them is now a matter of taste. But a couple of hundred years ago, during the nearly half-century Austrian rule, he defined political views. 'Quadri' in those days was chosen by the Austrians. In 'Floriana' gathered as local patriots who dream of reviving the country. Of course, no one could forbid the soldiers to come and Austrian garrison at 'Florian', but there was always a lot of ways to make them feel at intruders. However, the smoldering hatred pursued Venetians invaders everywhere, so in the words of Wagner's' Austrian officers …

sailed to Venice, not mingling with the crowd, like oil on water. "Today, the famous cafe differ only proposed interior and menu. Although 'Florian' is still considered a bohemian institution (no coincidence that in these walls, the idea to the famous Venice Biennale). This is the oldest cafe in Europe was opened December 29, 1720. Er of the first owner was Florian Francesconi, who gave his name pompous institution 'Triumphant Venice'. But it did not stick, and the cafe was called by the name of its owner – 'Florian'. Cafe has always enjoyed great popularity. Travelers and Venice residents loved him for his magnificent interior and delicious menu (it is here for the first time in Italy was served at the time an exotic drink – coffee.) And yet, because here you can always find the latest news (say, the owner and the cafe was charge d'affaires, and the matchmaker, and the chief disseminator of gossip).