Carmo Work

For It hisses (2009), the film is a possibility of intervention aid in the construction of the knowledge. As Carmo observes (2003), the problem is the passivity of the spectator, who, without cinematographic culture, ownership of the instruments and the procedures of the language of the seventh art, does not assimilate the communicative possibilities of the cinema. It is necessary to learn to read the images, and is here that the work of the educator starts, of the professor. However, we see that the cinema can fulfill a healthful and enlightening paper in the escolarizao process. It does not have as to understand the imagtica communication without the thought, without the intellectual effort. The easy access to the images does not want to say an easy agreement of its forms. The use of films for the agreement of some concepts constructed for the societies is of great value.

The films can be seen as a pedagogical tool, that is, to teach and to extend the vision of its spectator. The cinema provides the production to know, knowledge diversified for representing partner-cultural elements that perhaps they could not be had access by some people if it was not for the art of the cinema. Duarte argues that: It in this manner seems to be that determined cultural experiences, associates to a certain way to see films, finish interacting in the production to know, identities, beliefs and vises of world of a great contingent of social actors. This is the biggest interest that the cinema has for the educational field _ its eminently pedagogical nature. (DUARTE, 2002, P. 19) the film can be used by the professors to work definitive subjects in classroom as well as can be used to work the opinion of the professor on determined question. One exactly film can be analyzed of different forms in agreement the approach that is given to it, depending on will be using who it.