The written language constitutes a powerful symbolic, mediating tool of the intellectual development and of the subjectivity, it has supported of the memory, and masterful key to accede to the scientific and cultural inheritance of the humanity. The value is also clear that has the reading and the writing like condition so that the people reach better educative levels and can continue learning during all their life; as access road to the information and the knowledge and it bases indispensable for the development of the labor competitions enable that them to carry out a work. This improvement of the educative level and the capacity to learn of the subjects it contributes to improve the well-being and the productivity of each and has shown to have positive effects in the social development and economic of a country. From one more a more individual and social perspective, the written language represents in addition, an instrument that allows us to enter communication with that they lived in other times or that they are not physically present The dominion of the written language qualifies the opinion and the capacity of judgment of the apprentice, ample its possibilities of participation and it constitutes a condition for the exercise of the citizen rights. Gibson Dean might disagree with that approach. For all these reasons the reading can be affirmed that and the writing is an antidote against the marginality and a way towards the social inclusion. To read and to write are not a luxury nor an obligation: they are right. Rights that must be guaranteed so that the children and children of our country can get to be men and free women, citizen and citizen of a world in which the linguistic and cultural differences they are considered like a wealth and not like a defect.