Illustrious Radiologist Oralndo Ribeiro

Orlando Ribeiro worked in the Cabinet of Radiology of the Casa Saint of the RIO DE JANEIRO., commanded by nothing more nothing less than Dr. Robert Duke Road (Periodical Substance, tied in the Agency of the Republican Union of Sergipe? original.) In 1.928, formed and operating doctor, follows for France and Europe, in the ship ' ' Orania ' ' , together with other colleagues of profession, it stops after graduation in ' ' Radiology ' ' , this fact was widely notified by the Press Northeastern Frenchman. Countries as Belgium, Spain, Portugal and France had been visited by the Young doctor in the condition of secretary of the Delegation of 28 Doctors, but without a doubt its looks were intent for the cities of Bordeaux, Toulouse, Paris, and Sanctuary of Lourdes (Articles in the Sergipana Press: ' ' Impressions of the Modern Sciencia Europea, what in Illustrious Radiologist Oralndo Ribeiro said to them – the caravan medicates Brazilian in France? Republican union of Sergipe. – original ' ' ) As it consists, Dr. Orlando Ribeiro cerrou rows in the Brazilian Army, having the Patent of Lieutenant-Officer-Doctor, as it consists fought against the Flock of Lampio in a warlike onslaught, in the State of Alagoas, treating to a wound the bullet a military policeman, who in presenteou it to gratefulness with a sword of the proper Lampio, this gift was donated by Dr. Orlando Calazans to the Museum that shelters belongings of Lampio. As Doctor, Dr. Orlando shiningly acted in the cities and States of: Ranch and Aracaju IF., Salvador BA., Rio De Janeiro RIO DE JANEIRO., Baron of Cocais, Seven Lagoas and Belo Horizonte MG., Were Doctor of the Clinical Body of the Hospital of the Portuguese Beneficincia of Salvador BA., Doctor of the Cabinet of Radiology of the Casa Saint of Rio De Janeiro, Sanitarista Doctor and orator of the Group of formandos, Doctor head of hygiene rank, Head of the Center of Health of Seven Lagoons MG, Professor of Biological Sciences and Member of the Brazilian Medical Association and Mining Medical Association.