shutter speed is – 2/3 EV which gave me the photometer of how correct camera, so I got a slight underexposure of the Fund which helps highlight more the model lit by the flash. The scheme of lighting for this scene would be something like this: to see the lighting scheme visit the website of the author (at the end of the article) Flash of semilateral-lateral reportage and sunlight faded by the trees. While he ended up placing the flash between some rocks to test a backlight I realized that Paola was staring on a rock that could stand for the following photos (as I said at the beginning, a luxury performance with models as Paola, who while you prepare a photo already thinks in the following), signed up and shot. To see the picture, visit the website of the author (at the end of the article) Nikon D700 + AF-S Nikkor 24-70 mm f/2.8 g ED to 62 mm, f/4.0, 1/60 sec, ISO 400 and the lighting scheme in this case would be the following: to view the lighting scheme visit the website of the author (at the end of the article) is similar to the previous but with totally side light to the model. As you can see, if the model turns to the camera we have a mid-side backlight which was what was preparing, but thanks to look through the viewfinder of the camera while preparing the scene and gave directions to the model, I could see this image and the photo. As Joe McNally says, are going to escape thousands of photos facing the inner visor from the camera to see if the previous picture was good.