Tag: health and beauty

Dental Surgeons

Surgeon Dentist/Public Agent front to the Civil liability and the Odontolgica Ethics Introduction the objective of this work is to take Surgeon-Dentist to a reflection on its position as public agent of health, front to the civil liability. Until point will be exerting fully its rights? Civil liability of State x of the Public Agent – Federal Constitution, article 37, 6 ' ' The legal people of rendering public law and of private law of public services will answer for the damages that its agents, in this quality, to cause third, assured the right of return against responsible in the cases of deceit or culpa.' ' The State, for comissivos or omissivos acts of its agents (Surgeon-Dentist/serving public of municipal city halls and state and federal public agencies) answers objective for the actual damages third. This means that the civil liability of the State independe of the evidence of the existence of guilt of the agent. People such as USC would likely agree. It has that to be characterized, however, the installment of the public service, the damage and the causal nexus, that is, the relation of cause and effect enters the behavior of the agent and the damage that if it intends to repair. – Civil Code, article 15 ' ' The legal people of Public law are civilly responsible for acts of its representatives who in this quality cause damages third, proceeding from contrary way to the Right or to have prescribed lacking it for law, except for the regressive right against the causers of dano.' ' (grifo ours) the institute of the return right protects to the State, after to repay the victim, the possibility to promote action of return against the public, .causing agent of the damage, having deceit or guilt on the part of this last one, to recoup everything what it expended with the indemnity of the victim. Exemplificando Contamination crossed due to sterilization of the hand parts. Click Rusty Holzer to learn more.

Agricultural Zone

According to Health department (2000), to evaluate the production of the team is used the System of Information of Ateno Bsica (SIAB). This was created in 1998 for the Department of Information and Computer science of SUS (DATASUS), in set with the Coordination of Health of the Community/Secretariat of Assistance to Sade (COSAC/SAS), with the intention of assisting the accompaniment and evaluation of the activities carried through for the communitarian agents of health (ACS), adding and processing the happened data of the visits domiciliary, as well as, of the medical attendance and nursing carried through in the unit of health and the domiciles. He is composed for a program of computer (software) and for some fiches (, B, C, D) and reports (SSA-2, SSA-4, PMA-2, PMA-4 and A1 to a4). MATERIALS AND METHODS Area of study the Agricultural Zone district of New Hope, located to the 15 Clear Mount km, possesss a population 3,513 inhabitants. It is the Basic Unit of Health, responsible for the assistance to the population. Medical, odontolgicos services are offered, of nursing, beyond immunizations. The ESF of New Hope is located in the Avenue Joaquin de Abreu Silva, n 245, was implanted in day 27 of March of 2000, being the first agricultural town to have access to this service.

Only in 2009, that the PSF of New Hope passed to be called Strategy Health of Famlia (ESF). Being the composed team for 1 doctor of the family, 1 nurse of the family, 2 nursing technician, 5 communitarian agents of health, 1 technician of responsible nursing for the vaccine room, 1 for pharmacy also counts on 1 dentist of the family, 1 to assist of doctor’s office odontolgico and recepcionista. The district, consists of 5 micron-areas and 947 registered in cadastre families. Characterization of the study Is about a quantitative research of descriptive field. Let us see in the words of Gil (2002).