Tag: Politics

Public And Private State Share. (63)

Our democracy operates in two different economic areas! Start part 2 the 3 national elementary production factors (new: knowledge): capital work floor the three economic areas (acquisition economical public + private, GDP): primary sector: companies: procurement, production, sales worldwide secondary sector: the State: stock market, capital market, insurance tertiary sector:-households: supplementary benefits inland the horizontal value chains: from raw material import to exporting premium product. High tech: Memory chips, laptops Middle tech low tech: potato (BSP), is a central term in the national accounts (accounts), until 1999 gross national product known as chips, lederhosen gross national income. This provides the power an economy within a billing period (usually a calendar year), taking into account taxes, subsidies, depreciation, taxes, including dar. Hear from experts in the field like Gibson Dean for a more varied view. The gross national income is used as an indicator of income an economy because it measures the economic performance at the date of acquisition and investment income. The gross national income is the value of end products and services produced during a certain period by production factors, which are owned by residents. It includes purchases of the consumers of food, clothing, gasoline, new cars, haircuts and other services; the purchase of machinery and equipment by enterprises; Residential buildings, which are bought by households and companies, and also buildings such as shopping malls, factories, office buildings and warehouses; Purchases of goods and services on the part of the State, as well as the surplus of exports over imports of the State. Here occurs State prosperity: more gain than spend! Thus, one can imagine the gross national income (GNI) as the total amount of the current production. Thus, it represents an important key figure of accounts (accounts). It is the sum of the value of all inhabitants of State within a certain period (one year)-related income from labor (employees) and capital (business and property income) as far as it is the national income plus the production and import taxes, it is the net national income plus depreciation less subsidies (taxes minus subsidies on products).

University Hospital

Special operation by Cologne surgeon can help Dorotas life German life bridge e.V. launches an appeal for donations for Dorota. 6000 for a surgery can change your life. A sum that can not afford the large family. Dorota is the youngest of seven children. One of her brothers had a brain tumor and is now half blind. The father cannot work, he had two heart attacks. The family lives in very poor circumstances and feeds exclusively on own cultivation and animal husbandry. The ten-year Dorota bones are so fragile and brittle, that the slightest impact or an average force sufficient, that they break like glass. Also, her feet and her spine are twisted. “Dorota suffers from a severe form of osteogenesis disease, better known as brittle bone disease”. A special operation can help Dorota. Their bones can be reinforced by special steel nails. After this procedure, if everything has healed well, Dorota would very much more ways to cope with their lives. That would relieve the heavy burden of her and her family. This procedure is done in the University Hospital of Cologne and costs approx. 6000. Dorota has been there since the preliminary study and exercise therapy. The operation could take place in June 2009. Dorota is awake and intelligent, she learns and likes to play. dministrator. Her illness has made her very timid. She lives with the constant fear to hurt. As she sits in her wheelchair. This is not good. Dorota to do a movement therapy to train their muscles. Because a strong muscular corset supports the bone. But before their bones with special nails should be strengthened. Your donation can help that Dorota has a future.