Top Dog School – Special Program With 25% Discount

Top dog school programme: 25% discount for all dog owners the unemployed or Hartz IV recipients are reduced the rates for unemployment and Hartz IV recipients now 25% the top dog school and offers also the possibility to book a personal HundeCoach nationwide so all concerned dog owners. Only because it refers to unemployment benefit or is Hartz IV recipients, needs not to renounce on a well-behaved dog. In such a situation, a well trained dog is important, finally to spend now much time with him. Dogs have a generally positive effect on the physical (E.g., blood pressure) and mental health (such as antidepressant, stress solving). He can stabilize people and integrate socially. Dogs can provide contacts between people, help against isolation and provide necessary, fixed day structures. Also, the dog can have a calming effect. Your personal HundeCoach people and dogs are connected for more than 20,000 years in warm affection.

The pet House dog has developed from the initial hunting community with the granddaddy of dog. Today the dog guarding livestock, leads blind, saves drowning, seeking buried, drugs, explosives, he is criminal, sport friend, Comrade and family member. Who lives even without the dog, comes into contact with him. It feels some fear and reluctance, others swear by him as a friend and partner. If it’s wrong between dog and owner, a personal dog coach can help.

He analyzed the situation and brought many of the dog owners AHA! -Experiences. The coach of each course can enter one to one increasingly popular in dog schools and Club seats not always on the individual problems of the dogs and the special needs of their owners. The personal HundeCoaches fill this gap\”, which deal with dog and man in private lessons. Some dog owners want to have just the luxury of individual care, others see these hours as a valuable complement to the Lessons on.